CarePoint Health Graduate Medical Education Wellness Program
CarePoint Health strongly supports resident, fellow and faculty wellness. Our Wellness Committee comprises faculty and residents of the Bayonne, Christ Hospital, and Hoboken Residency Programs. Its goal is to promote and ensure that residents and faculty have access to tools that promote overall wellness and identify and manage stressors that impede a healthy work-life balance. Some of the areas that are addressed include: burnout, mental health, interpersonal stressors, and self-care. Further, residents are provided with mentorship through an ongoing collaboration with their faculty advisors as well as with structured biannual resident/faculty meetings that address professional development and goals, strengths, and needed areas of growth. Other resources that are ongoing include:
- Bimonthly Balint groups (Hoboken only)
- Optional onsite short-term supportive counseling
- Resident Wellness activities
- Lectures/seminars on Wellness Topics
Important Information for Residents and Faculty
Seeking urgent care-also see suicide prevention below
If you are in emotional crisis and need urgent care, go to your nearest emergency room or call 911
Seeking non urgent care:
If you are seeking psychological services, please contact Dr. Giuliana Capone at 201-418-3185 or you may wish to speak with your advisor. You can also contact the CarePoint Health Employee Assistance Program at 201-792-8637. The EAP provides free, professional assistance to help employees and their families resolve problems that affect their personal lives or job performance.